The Roaming Walls was a Baldi's Basics mod created solo by me and posted to on December 26 2022 at 11:20 PM. The description reads:
"You wake up without any memory of who you are. Though you're in a supposedly blood red building with some voice and person you don't know with you. Where will you find yourself in the end?"
This was posted the day after Christmas. That Christmas is when I got a new laptop, possibly inspiring the urge to make something. If I remember correctly, there may have been lore to this game. Not really sure, but not like it really matters too much (I say this knowing theres dialogue files explaining lore). There exists only 2 builds of the mod, with only one seeing the light of day. Further exploring will be required to find the second one, but I can believe in myself. You can find a link to the gamebanana page here.
Baldi's Basics: After Hours (for short i'll just say After Hours) was a mod created solo by me and Uploaded to on June 22 2021 at 1:49 PM. The description reads:
Perhaps I wasn't one for words back then? Who knows. The inspiration for this mod was when I used Fasguy's Baldi Mod Menu to both cheat and make the game look creepy. The halls were dark, and you were strapped with a flashlight. At the same time, the "Switcheroo" setting was on, making all the character sprites shuffle. Principal was Baldi, Baldi was playtime, etc. Somehow, this was enough to spark inspiration, and I made the mod sometime later. Apparently, this mod also had lore. The lore of this mod is pretty much lost to time, since I can't find anything from that era relating to some spooky baldi mod, so there's no hope on recovering the lore. Additionally, I'm kinda scared to know the story behind it. Not because it's "too spooky" for me, but because I was literally 10 when I made it, and only god knows what horrors I could've included.
The mod was eventually trashed by a moderator soon after it was uploaded to Gamebanana for "Spam". Funnily enough, I can't find the mod who trashed it, so maybe I won in the end. Not like I care though. The link to the Gamebanana page is here. A download link can be found here if the link works right. If it doesn't, it's devine intervention.
FnF + Puppy and Gizmo (or maybe it was vs.?) was a mod created solo by me and posted to Gamebanana on May 20 2021 at 8:14 PM. I believe this is the first mod of anything i had ever made. The Gamebanana title has been changed to "Do not download this fnf mod." in an attempt to drive people away from it after seeing what happened to After Hours, not knowing I could've just privated it instead. The description reads:
"So this mod was flagged a couple times. I am telling everybody NOT to download this mod because of its low quality and how stupid of an idea it is so it won't get flagged any longer.
this is the original description for the mod i was making here: While Boyfriend is out sick, Girlfriend went online to find someone else to "fill in" for Boyfriend. And the person she picked just so happened to be you! (Jackson) now you are going around the place rapping against people. Can you beat them all?"
That's pretty much all the plot there is to know. The mod features custom intro text ranging from kinda funny to extremely bizarre, and various visual details being changed, most notably BF being substituted for a self-insert.
The Gamebanana page can be found here. For the brave who wish to desire eye bleach, a download link can be found here.